
Jim Huntington

Professor of Molecular Haemostasis; CEO, ApcinteX; Department of Haematology

University of Cambridge

Professor Jim Huntington is Professor in Molecular Haemostasis, Department of Haematology, University of Cambridge and principal investigator in the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research. His current research focuses on determining the structures of the molecular engines of blood coagulation, the Xase and prothrombinase complexes, using crystallography and single particle cryo-EM. Over the last few years he has founded several biotech companies, including: XO1 (acquired by Janssen Pharmaceuticals in 2015); SuperX and ReBalance in the field of thrombosis; ApcinteX in haemophilia; Z Factor to treat alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency; and Cambridge ProteinWorks which provides reagents and services.